
ValerieOS was born in Rome in 1997. Her passion for art and stories, handed down by her sister, led her to start drawing early in her life. She immediately fell in love with digital art and soon developed a special taste for Paint Tool Sai, Photoshop and video editing programs like Vegas. After a happy but troubled childhood, marked by the precarious health of her mother, she attended art school and, despite some obstacles, began to publish her first webcomic. A year later, having taken the training wheels off, she decides to embark on her first one-shot publication while getting the opportunity to work as an animator/screenwriter for a commercial. Only a year later, she joins a publishing house. During this period of new beginnings, Valerie develops a taste for inclusive stories, whose social themes are transmitted through irony and humor. Always looking for new ideas and developments, Valerie lives and breathes comic stories, through which, she believes, can be transmitted important messages.


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